No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

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Submitted by WWW.CAA.TJ on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 3:33pm

     Today, a meeting dedicated to Victory Day was held in the hall of the Civil Aviation Agency. During the event, the director of the Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of  Tajikistan, Mr. Nazarzoda Habibullo Temur, spoke, noting, in particular, that during the Great Patriotic War, 294 thousand residents of Tajikistan voluntarily went to the front along with 15 republics of the former Soviet Union and fought for victory over Hitler's fascism. Of this number, more than 90 thousand citizens of Tajikistan died, and 57 Tajik representatives were awarded the highest title of Hero of the Soviet Union for exceptional courage, and 15 of our representatives were awarded the Order of «Glory» of all degrees
